Make it stand out.
Curatorial Rationale
As a Chinese girl, I questioned for the skewed aesthetic around China nowadays; as an international student. Therefore, the whole portfolio is about “my identity”. I intend to find who I am by doing different art projects, to express my points of view of the world, as well as the points of view about some societal problem.
I expressed my disappointments toward some cultural loss, for different cultures are now losing their traditional characteristics and been replaced by some mainstream popular cultures; as an volunteer assistant, I used my brush to paint out the unspeakable and colorful inner world of the disabled students in Ting Ting deaf school; as a teenager, I used the transformation of color to show the unstable moods that the youth had during puberty, in order to show their joy and bitter.
As a movie fan, I created a series of posters for my favorite movie. As a girl, I made one sculpture, to express the brevity and value of youth; as a human, I created one line drawing to explore humans’ personality, as well to show that all men people are two sided: a positive person might have a negative side, as well as a negative man will still has a positive side, thus, to show the diversified of the human. Moreover, because of Freud's three-self theory, I created one mixed-media painting, in order to show the three identities that the people will develop in their lifetime, in order to show people's growth experience, and the brevity of life. In addition, as a designer in future, I also mastered many drawing skills, by expressing this identity out, I also included some sketches drawing, package design and some poster design, and these three artworks will show that I am not only capable in drawing and creating some creativity paintings, but also able to draw some figurative drawings, in order to show the skillful drawing techniques that I possessed. As a collection of work, this represents me as a whole.
The whole exhibition will be divided into three parts, illustrated out my three identities, which are, ‘Life’, ‘Reality’, ‘Spiritual world’. In ‘Life’ part, one’s drawing techniques and skills will be showing to the audiences, which represent my identity of one art student and one future designer, and as an art student and a designer, some professional drawing skills will be needed, and based on different drawing skills, I am capable to put my creativity imaginations or ideas on the paper, so the professional skills to me is a tool to achieve my ideas, as well as a way to communicate with the world, and also a skill that I rely on to live. In this section, the projects will mainly show some technical artworks that express out the sketching skills, coloring choices, the application of white space, typography, and the application for the Photoshop or illustrator. Once I mastered these skills, I am able to put my creative ideas on paper in 100%, which is the essential skills that one designer should master. Therefore, I named this part as ‘Life’, where I included all the projects that can show my professional techniques and skills to the audiences, for example, some gypsum sketch, hand-painted poster, poster on illustrator and some basic package redesigns for some popular brands.
In ‘Reality’ part, the identity that I wanted to show is the society or a world in a societal person’s eye, for this part I will involve two artworks that I drew, which reflected some societal problem that one Chinese girl but studying in a international school had seen, which are culture loss, skewed aesthetic and some disabled children’s life, these problems are all hidden deeply under one peaceful society condition, and as a societal person, I wanted to use an artistic method to raise the awareness about these problems.
In ‘Spiritual world’ section, I set my identity in this part as a human, intending to discuss some negative and positive sides in nature of human. Overall, the whole exhibition is about me, so it will be relatively personal, because all I want to do is expressing the feelings or the world in my heart.